Thursday, 24 November 2011

our history topic

What is the name of the nurse who went to help the soldiers in  the Crimean War who was born in the Caribbean?
What did Queen Victoria present her with?
When did she become famous?

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

year 2 mathematics

We are learning how to read scales on rulers, measuring jugs and weighing scales.
Can you count in 10`s     100`s     200`s    50`s   5`s  and  2`s.  Practise please and it will help.

Put in the missing numbers:

1.      0   100     ---    300    400  ---   600

2.      50    100    ---   200  250  ---  350

3.    200   ---   600  800  ----

5.      25    --     35    40    --   50

6.    44    --    --   50   52    --   56

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

year 2 gold book

Well done to all who have been in the gold book.  We have well mannered and good behaved children who deserve to be in our gold book every week and it can be very hard to choose.  Keep up the great work Y2 from your teacher and class assistants.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


1.      If it is 2 o`clock now, what time will it be in 5 hours time?

2.     I start to watch television at 5 o`clock and finish at 9 o`clock.  How long have I watched television?

3.     I put my cake in the oven to bake at 12 0`clock.  It takes half an hour to bake.  What time should I take it out of the oven?

Autumn term two

We are looking forward to learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole and visiting Florence at the Thackray Museum on the 12th December.
We are beginning to learn our words for our Christmas Carol Concert.
The children have made a great start on learning to tell the time.

gold book children

Faye, Ellie, Amy and Jonathan have all been in our school gold book recently. Well done and keep up the great manners and work.