Thursday, 31 January 2013

Tu B'shevat

This week in topic we have been looking at the Jewish religion and in particular the celebration of 'Tu B'shevat'.

It is the celebration of 'The New Year of the Trees' There isn't much about the celebration on the internet but there's a little bit of information HERE

Can you remember the prayer we said before we started eating?
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the tree.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

A Pirate Times Table Hunt!!

This week as part of our maths we are practising our times tables, our 2's, 5's and 10's. We went on a pirates times table hunt around the hall to practise. We had to find the questions and then work out the answer, writing it on out clipboards......

Remember to keep practising at home!!!!!

Play on the table trees times table game HERE we are focusing on 2's 5's and 10's but if you want to try any of the others feel free to!!

Friday, 25 January 2013

Snow Fun!!

It's been a chilly week at Fieldhead Carr and we've had to get wrapped up at's  a sneaky peek at us enjoying the snow!!!

Big Write Star Jan 25th 2013

Jodie amazed me with her wonderful description. I found her story so exciting and interesting to read because of all the ambitious vocabulary! Super story Jodie!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Using Purple Mash on our 'Class Mates' to represent our Pirate data!!

Today we were having a go at representing data on pirates using our 'Class Mate' mini laptops to go on purple mash and record our data. Purple mash was very clever how it converted our data into different types of graphs and charts and we then used these to analyse our data.

Log on to purple mash at home and make up so data to input and practise!!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Pirate Art!!

Over the past week or so we have been having a go at some pirate artwork using a sponging technique to make the waves and then adding a Galleon and pirate scene using oil pastels to blend over the paint. The finished pieces look really effective!!!

Monday, 21 January 2013


Can you build a snowman as big as this today??

This snowman looks like he is having fun!! 

Year 2 Snow Day challenge!!!!

Hi everyone!!! Hope you are all enjoying the snow and keeping safe and warm!!

I have set you up a SumDog challenge to have a go at while you're snowed in, click on the link below and choose 'Year 2 Snow Day Challenge Monday!' It has just started and finishes at 7.00 tonight!

I have had a look at our class leader board and and the moment Layton is in the lead, I'll keep you updated as the day goes along!!!

Click on the Sumdog logo to access the site and log in to the challenge!

Have fun!! 

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Pirate Co-ordinates!!!

This week in maths we have been learning about co-ordinates and we were fab at reading co-ordinate grids so we started to link co-ordinates into direction. We made our own pirate co-ordinate maps and tested our partners to see if they could identify the different features, and we all challenged each other with our giant co-ordinate grid.

You can try these co-ordinate games at home on the computer...
This one is a little tricky, place the red dot for each insect on the correct co-ordinate clicking HERE
Catch the fly by identifying the co-ordinate HERE

Big Write Star!! 18th January 2013

Connor use some adventurous vocabulary in his story about the pirate chest. He included great description, and developed his story with a beginning, sequence of events and an ending. He also had beautiful handwriting with carefully formed letters.

Monday, 14 January 2013

SumDog Challenge!!

We are currently entered in a national contest on SumDog running until the 17th January!!!

It involves schools from all over the UK, there are 214 school entered altogether!!

Click on the SumDog logo below to enter, then click on the green 'contest' button on the left hand side of the page to compete and get our school moving up the leader board.....Mrs Warner's class has currently played and they have got us to 33rd place so far!!

Have fun!!


A surprise for us!!

This morning when we came into class, we had a surprise package. We passed it round the circle and guessed what we thought it might be, some people thought it was sugar, some thought it was a map and some thought it was empty!!

When Jack opened it for us we found a message in a bottle from a pirate!!

We read it carefully and found out the pirate had sent it from a ship on the Atlantic Ocean and his ship had been invaded by sneaky pirates trying to steal their treasure!! Can you remember what he said he had been busy doing? This week in literacy we are writing replies......What would you write if you were putting a message in a bottle?

100% Attendance!!

I'm am so proud of these children and a HUGE congratulations for their 100% attendance since September 2012 when we came back in the new school year!!!! Remember it is so important to try and come to school everyday so you don't miss anything and learn about all the interesting things we have to squeeze into each busy week!!!

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Our First Week As Pirates!!

This week we have introduced our pirate topic and been thinking about lots of different pirate activities both in focus activities and with our challenge passports in the areas. Have a little look into our classroom, the first week back into our new topic...

Big Write Star of the Week!!

Tayjus ensures every sentence he writes makes sense, he uses the correct tense, and some very high level words to make his writing exciting and interesting for the reader. He has also used a wide range of punctuation in the correct place! Well done Tayjus!!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Pirates and sorting!!

This week in maths we are learning about sorting using different diagrams and criteria. We have had a go at using Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams.... We had to sort the treasure by different criteria that we set ourselves and discuss why we had sorted it that way....

Here we are having a go...


You can have a go at a little game to practise here---> Carroll Diagram
There's another game here---> Carroll Diagrams
Can you make up your own sorting activity using either a Venn diagram or a Carroll diagram with objects you can find around the house?

Monday, 7 January 2013

OOO ARRR me hearties!!!

This term our topic is pirates and today we brainstormed all the the thing we knew about pirates and what we would like to learn over the next 6 weeks. You came up with some great ideas and lots of things we can really get our teeth into....famous pirates, pirate poems, designing pirate ships and Gallions, and moving carriages for our treasure, messages in bottles, a history of pirates and what they wear, treasure maps and some of our own map reading....and much more!! We are going to be busy!!!

Here is an exciting website you can explore venturing into a pirate kingdom!! Click HERE

There is also a big pirate section on purple mash you can explore... Login HERE

There is a fun pirate spelling game HERE....challenge yourself by trying the extra hard spellings!!

Aye Aye Captain!!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Hi everyone I hope you are all having a fabulous holiday and have had a wonderful Christmas!! I am missing you all and looking forward to seeing you next week, I have made us a 'Wallwisher' where we can share what we have been doing over the is like an electronic notice board, add your sticky note onto the board and once I have approved it, it will appear for everyone to read!!