Tuesday 15 November 2011

year 2 mathematics

We are learning how to read scales on rulers, measuring jugs and weighing scales.
Can you count in 10`s     100`s     200`s    50`s   5`s  and  2`s.  Practise please and it will help.

Put in the missing numbers:

1.      0   100     ---    300    400  ---   600

2.      50    100    ---   200  250  ---  350

3.    200   ---   600  800  ----

5.      25    --     35    40    --   50

6.    44    --    --   50   52    --   56


  1. 1, 200 and 500

    2, 150 and 300

    3, 400 and 1000

    5, 30 and 45

    6,46 and 48 and 54

  2. I realy enjoyed reading and practising the numbers that you put on the blog spot.
